Fill your jar up with soil then lightly water and moisten fresh soil mix. Sow seeds in 1.5cm (1/2in) deep, lightly covering the seed with a sprinkling of compost on a warm light windowsill all year round.
Place in a warm window with a light exposure. Avoid drafty windows or places where temperatures drop considerably at night. As the plants grow, rotate the pots to keep them from leaning in one direction, toward the light. If you are using grow lights, set a timer so that they are on for 14 hours a day. Place the lights a few inches above the seedlings, raising the lights as the plants grow. If the plants look leggy, move the lights closer. If you see white spots on the leaves, the lights are too close. Use scissors to thin crowded seedlings.
Water once a day to keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet. If the plants start to look crowded as they grow, use scissors to thin them out. Snip the extra seedlings at the soil line and enjoy them in a salad.
A month after planting, you can enjoy the aroma of basil by running your hands over the small leaves. Two months after planting, you may have enough basil leaves to make fresh pesto and impress your friends! If the leaves start looking pale green in color, start using liquid fertilizer, mixing at the rate recommended on the package. For continuous harvests, plant a batch of seeds every few weeks.